

Online Dating (continued, 1 expert)


1. Entertainment: 25th Anniversary of John Lennon's Death
2. Food: Vegetarian Thanksgiving
3. Home: Designing a Home for Life
4. Parenting: Child Victims of Molestation are Embarrassed
5. Parenting: Providing Alcohol to Teens is Confusing and Dangerous
6. Relationships: Making a Relationship Click by Valentine's Day
7. Religion: Halloween and Christianity
8. Sports: NBA Dress Code and Hip-Hop
9. Travel: Vacation Ownerships



We've added the following to items posted previously at http://www.profnet.com/organik/orbital/thewire/lst_leads.jsp?iLRTopicID=10459

1. ROBIN GORMAN NEWMAN, author of "How to Meet a Mensch in New York" and the forthcoming "How to Marry a Mensch," is the founder of PROFILES WITH PIZAZZ, a service for singles pursuing Internet dating. Newman assists singles with Internet dating by writing profiles, conducting photo selection, recommending sites and offering advice: "Internet dating is a great way to meet if you're a busy person. You can do it 24/7, rain or shine, and you don't need to get dressed up or recruit a friend. It's essential to post a flattering photo (not just one you have lying around) and write a profile of yourself that will grab someone. It should have personality, and not read like a resume." Newman: robin@lovecoach.com Phone: +1-516-773-0911 (10/21/05)


1. ENTERTAINMENT: 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF JOHN LENNON'S DEATH. LARRY KANE, author of "Lennon Revealed": "John Lennon was the poster boy for imperfection, yet he created a legacy of extraordinary music, words and art. His life was a symbol of controversy and caring, learning and loving, trial and experimentation. As we mark the 25th anniversary of his death Dec. 8, we learn more about the decisive moments in his life and why, even without a personal presence, he still resonates in our lives. Lennon was a superstar, womanizer, eventual feminist, singer, confessor, artist, hell-raiser and icon who was never afraid to tell the truth. His after-life continues to be potent and poignant." News Contact: John Goodman, johnlgood@aol.com Phone: +1-914-472- 1046 (10/21/05)

2. FOOD: VEGETARIAN THANKSGIVING. CHEF DANIEL DRUMLAKE, assistant academic director of the culinary arts program at THE ART INSTITUTE OF CALIFORNIA - LOS ANGELES: "You can introduce new and healthy ideas at your holiday table this year that are delicious and appealing to your vegetarian guests as well as traditional meat-eaters. You just have to get creative." Some of Drumlake's mouth-watering recipes include butternut squash soup, vegetarian lentil loaf with vegan gravy, and poached pears with pomegranate granita. News Contact: Nicki Dixon, ndixon@aii.edu Phone: +1-310-314-6037 (10/21/05)

3. HOME: DESIGNING A HOME FOR LIFE. JAYNE M. PELOSI, interior designer and design coach at RENAISSANCE INTERIOR DESIGN: "When homeowners feel great about the space they're in, they feel great about themselves." Pelosi's new book, "Interior Divine: Walking You Through the Transformation of Your Home," focuses on getting homeowners to feel perfectly comfortable in their living space -- and their life. No matter the size of the project, she encourages homeowners to use their homes as a personal expression of themselves, not the fickle whims of trends or fashion. Pelosi also acknowledges the lasting effect a home has on all areas of one's life, and believes the design process is a serene and spiritual experience that should capture the owner's personal style. News Contact: Mike Black, mike@ictusinitiative.com Phone: +1-617-230- 2167 (10/21/05)

4. PARENTING: CHILD VICTIMS OF MOLESTATION ARE EMBARRASSED. MIKE DOMITRZ, founder of THE DATE SAFE PROJECT, the nation's leading organization for teaching how "asking first" makes all the difference in creating safer intimacy and in decreasing occurrences of sexual assault, is an expert on sexual assault: "Unfortunately, many children who are victims of sexual molestation, and/or teens who have been date raped, resist telling parents. The reasons range from embarrassment to worrying what their parents will actually do to the perpetrator." Domitrz's organization has joined Oprah Winfrey's call to action against sexual predators and offers a "Commitment to Care" agreement for parents and children that promises honesty and support to one another in the event of a sexual crime. News Contact: Michelle Tennant, michelle@tennant.org Phone: +1-828-749-3200 (10/21/05)

5. PARENTING: PROVIDING ALCOHOL TO TEENS IS CONFUSING AND DANGEROUS. SUSIE VANDERLIP, author of "52 Ways to Protect Your Teen": "Parents who provide a keg of beer to teens have a misguided perception of protecting their teens. First of all, parents are breaking the law by providing alcohol to minors, putting their entire family well-being in jeopardy should a teen get injured, alcohol poisoning, in an accident, etc. Secondly, the implicit message to their teens is that you really can't have fun without alcohol. Instead, meet with your teen, their friends, and friends' parents and brainstorm alternative ways to make a teenage get-together fun without alcohol or drugs." News Contact: Julie Brewer, Info@creativevisionsimc.com Phone: +1-352-241-9873 (10/21/05)

6. RELATIONSHIPS: MAKING A RELATIONSHIP CLICK BY VALENTINE'S DAY. ROBIN GORMAN NEWMAN author of the forthcoming "How to Marry a Mensch": "Valentine's Day will be here in a few months, and that's never an easy time for the dating-challenged. How can singles approach socializing strategically and become active daters by then? What are the three Rights, and why are they important? Right Place, Right Time, Right Attitude -- these are the essential ingredients to make a relationship click. Acting like you want to get married, and not just thinking it, is vital. Many singles don't approach socializing that way, and remain single and frustrated." Newman: robin@lovecoach.com Phone: +1-516-773-0911 Web site: http://www.lovecoach.com/ (10/21/05)

7. RELIGION: HALLOWEEN AND CHRISTIANITY. ALEX MCFARLAND, director of teen apologetics at FOCUS ON THE FAMILY: "For a Christian, there is really no reason to observe Halloween, because a believer holds nothing whatsoever in common with the event. But, what many Christians see as an occultist holiday, others see as an opportunity to capitalize on the spiritual openness of people, children's capacity for imagination and the enthusiasm that Halloween generates." McFarland can answer questions about Halloween and why some Christians object. News Contact: Christina Loznicka, lozniccm@fotf.org Phone: +1-719-531-3386 (10/21/05)

8. SPORTS: NBA DRESS CODE AND HIP-HOP. JOSEPH ANTHONY, CEO of VITAL MARKETING, a NYC-based leading youth and urban marketing group, says The NBA's new formal dress code will not go over well with fans and the NBA's current consumer: "While, demographically, the NBA isn't dissimilar from other leagues, its influence on hip-hop and vice versa is impossible to ignore, and the style of the players, whether on the court or off, is intertwined with the style of the streets. It's an odd decision for a league that's main draw is the individuality of its players to attempt to create anonymity among its ranks. This policy is primarily a reaction to last year's Ron Artest incident in Detroit." News Contact: Ronn Torossian, ronn@5wpr.com Phone: +1-212-999- 5585 (10/21/05)

9. TRAVEL: VACATION OWNERSHIPS. RAMI LAZARESCU, president of AMPRO VACATIONS INC., can discuss how consumers can use vacation ownership to luxuriate at five-star resorts for seven nights every year for what one single vacation costs: "Since the annual fees are only about the cost of one night, and they get seven nights every year, all their future accommodation costs are locked at 'get seven nights for the price of one' for life, with no blackout dates. This allows consumers to vacation in luxury while paying a fraction of the price." Lazarescu: Rami@AmproVacations.com Phone: 949-833-8883 (10/21/05)

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PROFNET WIRE: ENTERTAINMENT ROBIN GORMAN NEWMAN, author of "How to Meet a Mensch in New York" and the forthcoming "How to Marry a Mensch," is the founder of PROFILES WITH PIZAZZ, a service for singles pursuing Internet dating. Newman assists singles with Internet dating by writing profiles,